Electronics Forum > Test Equipment

Gaw 1500 Signal generator for CB


The Radio Shop:
Went and saw an old friend of mine this morning. While there I picked this signal generator up.
Does not work properly but cannot seem to find any info on it.

Yea, looked at your YT about this gen as well. Seems like a cool device. I also checked a bit for the 1500 as well as it seems its not really out there! Good luck Buddy.

If it is one of GAW Electronics Inc offerings it would be a 70's design and of one of two methods . a multi chip synthesizer much like the older SBE Formula D or based on the just available mc145106 or 145109 Motorola (I'll catch shit for this) derived from the Fairchild SM5104 line .

There were other PLL/Digital Dividers from that era but those are the common ones.
The rest of it would be a decade/BCD counter , several pierce oscillators and a colpits for fine tuning .
all that remains is stability and attenuation circuits .

shouldn't be that hard :-)


yep, couldn't find anything about this one too


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