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Topics - KI4RVH

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Debate Forum / Drilling for Oil off our coast
« on: June 18, 2008, 07:49:40 PM »
Bush today said he was going to push again for drilling oil off our coast.  Rep. Sue Myrick of NC has been pushing for it as well.  We are the only industrialized Nation that has a coast that doesn\'t drill off of it.  In recent times we\'ve not heard about any problems with spills and what not with drilling off the coast of Texas.  Some groups say there is minimal risk.  Others say it will destroy the environment.  Do you think drilling is a good idea and will it help solve our problems?  It sounds good to me.  What does everyone else think?



Open Chat / Happy Fathers Day
« on: June 15, 2008, 01:11:07 AM »
Happy Fathers Day to all the Daddys!



Contest / VHF Contest
« on: June 15, 2008, 01:07:54 AM »
Anyone made any contacts during the contest?  6 was open Saturday afternoon and evening.  I was just piddling here and there and not really working it hard.  I\'m not really a contest guy but it was a good time to check out my 6 meter H Double bay that I had built.  I think it did well and I had fun.  Making contacts on a home built antenna always makes me smile.



Open Chat / FCC fines Best Buy
« on: May 19, 2008, 09:38:19 PM »
Best Buy: FCC has no power to fine us over analog TVs

I wonder who will win this one.  It ought to be entertaining.



Open Chat / Rearview Cameras Can Capture More Than You Think
« on: May 01, 2008, 03:23:22 PM »
Check this out:

Looks like you can pick up all kinds of wireless cameras.  Be sure you don\'t have anything on a wireless cam you don\'t want anyone to see.



Wish I knew what time and what frequency range to listen in.



The Navy removed almost all of the original radio equipment aboard the
Battleship North Carolina when it was decommissioned.  What little
equipment was left no longer worked.  Starting in 1997, volunteer ham
radio operators began to restore the remaining equipment and adapt it
from Dept. of Defense frequencies to amateur radio bands.  Today, two
of the ship\'s original radio rooms are restored, and this week as part
of the celebration leading up the commissioning of the submarine, the
Capts. of the two vessels will exchange greetings via amateur, or
"Ham", radio.  This is the first known conveyance of radio
greetings between two namesake military vessels since the Cold War

Capt. David Scheu of the Battleship North Carolina will be using a
modern radio, but the antenna and the feedline he will use for his
transmission are original equipment installed prior to World War II.
Receiving his greetings at the other end at the State Port about a mile
away will be the submarine\'s skipper, Capt. Mark Davis.  Capt. Scheu\'s
message will be transcribed onto a Radiogram, a wireless version of a
telegram.  The Azalea Coast Amateur Radio Club of Wilmington will frame
two copies of the historic Radiograms and present one each to the
commanders of the Battleship and the submarine as a memento.  

Much of the original radio gear aboard the Battleship was designed for
Morse Code, the predominant form of radio communications through WWII.
 By contrast, the submarine contains state-of-the art communications
equipment that is light years ahead in capability from the now
primitive equipment aboard the Battleship.  The Navy phased out Morse
Code in the 1990s, so the only way for the two ships to communicate
electronically is through amateur radio voice communications.

"We felt this was an appropriate way for the Battleship to send
best wishes to its namesake successor", said Ed Redington,
president of the Azalea Coast club, which operates the equipment aboard
the Battleship so that many of the world\'s two million licensed ham
radio operators can have a chance to contact the retired dreadnought.
"There are roughly 70 retired military and merchant marine vessels
with restored radio rooms across the U.S.,", said Redington,
"and it\'s fun when the old ships get on the air."  Returning
to Wilmington this weekend for a reunion of the crew of the Battleship
will be Richard "Mac" McCullough, a radio operator who served
aboard the Battleship from 1941 to 1945.  Now 84, McCullough is a ham
radio operator who uses Morse Code exclusively, and has communicated
from his home in Massachusetts with the Battleship via Morse Code.  

Because of the number of hurricanes in our area, the public associates
ham radio most often with emergency communications after cell phones,
landlines and the internet go down.  About 20 of the area\'s 1,500
licensed ham radio operators volunteer aboard the Battleship giving
tours of the radio room and letting visitors get on the air.  This
weekend the ham radio station aboard the Battleship will be activated
Saturday and Sunday sending commemorative greetings about the
commissioning to hams around the globe.

Bill Morine, N2COP
ARRL Public Information Coordinator
North Carolina Section

Ham Radio Chit Chat / 10 new sats in orbit!
« on: April 29, 2008, 02:09:48 AM »
The last one Delfi-C3 will have a linear transponder in 3 months! :woohoo:



Skeds / GoKarters Sked??
« on: April 28, 2008, 07:06:15 PM »
Anyone want to try a GoKarters sked?  I know some of us here are close enough to do 80 meters easy.  Duncan and I have done echolink and a very short CW QSO on 20 Meters. (Thats all I\'m good for.  I\'m not a CW ragchewer yet)  So anyone want to try a sked.  Let me know when and where.  HF, echolink, satellite, smoke signal, semaphore, or telephone.  Whatever you like we can try.



Amateur Radio News and Activities / Shelby Hamfest is a GO!!!!!!!!!!
« on: April 19, 2008, 06:50:46 PM »
The annual "Granddaddy of them all" as it is called will be held at Biggerstaff Park in Dallas, NC on Labor Day weekend.  This is located a few miles off of I-85 on US-321 North of Gastonia.  About 30 minutes closer for me!



Short Wave / Good HF Freq Monitoring List (Dead link)
« on: April 16, 2008, 06:53:09 PM »
Here is a link to a bunch of good HF frequencies to listen too.  Happy Monitoring!

link is now dead  *Edit by administrator*

Here is link to their site



Ham Radio Chit Chat / New (to me) Radio
« on: April 03, 2008, 10:54:06 PM »
I got a new to me radio today.  I got a Kenwood TS-430S.  Its a 1980s vintage radio.  A friend had it for sale for a good price and I just couldn\'t resist.  It looks real good and has the SSB filter in it.  I got good audio reports on 10 meters.  I will get my trans match hooked up to it tomorrow and try it on some other bands.  



Amateur Radio News and Activities / Shelby NC HamFest Cancelled
« on: April 02, 2008, 09:02:10 PM »
This is awful!!!!



DX Central / 5t5dc
« on: March 26, 2008, 07:04:22 PM »
I finally worked 5T5DC today in Mauritania.  I got them on 10 meters of all places.  Anybody else work them.  I got 5 new ones today including them.  4 on 10 meters and 1 on 17 M.  I had a lot of fun today.  I still can\'t seem to get Rwanda.  Oh well,  One day maybe



Announcements / Satellite Project
« on: March 19, 2008, 12:20:50 AM »
I just wanted to be sure everyone knew about this.  We\'ve had some new members recently.  For those of you who haven\'t be sure to check out the Satellite Project in the Elmers forum.  A few of us have gotten started.  I have my 440 antenna built.  I built mine with stuff I had laying around the storage building.  Its not to late to get started.  When we get done we\'re going to try and work each other on the sats.  I\'ll post some construction pics of mine soon.  Any questions send me a pm or e-mail.  



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