Announcements and Welcomes > New member welcome

Greetings from WS2L

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Well most people here probably know (and hate) me from QRZ where I\'m an Administrator and Editor. I\'m also frequent the Island Misfits website on a daily basis.

I am 44 years old and was first licensed in 1978 as WD2AHD as a Novice class licensee. I decided to start upgrading in 1985 when a good friend got me hooked on 2 meters so I upgraded to Technician. After that I bought a Kenwood TS530SP and continued operating CW in the Novice bands and started listening to 20 phone. I quickly upgraded to General class. Then about a year later in 2 months I upgraded to Advanced then Extra. It was 2 or 3 years before I decided to change my callsign before all the 2x1 calls were gone.

I live in Montclair, NJ (FN20vt) which is in Essex County. I enjoy operating 40 and 20 meter CW and PSK31. I also operate 144 and 432 MHz Phone, CW and FM.

I have some awards, WAC, WAS and DXCC with 256 worked and 182 confirmed with the ARRL. One day I will go through the shoe box to find about another 30 or so cards I need to submit.

I belong to the Raritan Bay Radio Amateurs (RBRA) in Sayreville, NJ which operates a crossband repeater on 146.760 and 443.200 and they also have Echlink installed (Node 155581) where I monitor most of the day.

Recently my son Dave (KC2SIS) got his Tech license and is now studying for General then extra.

I guess this is more than enough, looking forward to chatting with you all.

Oh yeah I run an "Anti-Radioshack" website at:

As a guest you can only view 4 or 5 forums, register and there are many more. We also run VBulletin and the site looks exactly like this one.

Thanks for the ID Dave.
Great to have you here. I know that you are probably busy at with the Admin duties there. Thanks for taking the time to drop in.

I will check out your site. I hate rat shack also. As a young lad I spent every friday night in there adding things to my wish list. Was like a child in a toy store. Now I find no reason to even bother.

Thanks again for sharing.

Greetings and salutations. Hope you enjoy this site as much as I have. Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome.  We have several mods here, if ya have any questions or issues just pm any of us.  Enjoy yourself, but we run this as a family site, so keep it clean please.  Thanks for coming!

Hi Dave! Great to see you here!


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