Announcements and Welcomes > New member welcome

New Guy Here


Hi All.

I was invited to this forum and it looks like a nice place. I see folks do visit it, better than a couple other forums I've been invited too. And not 100's of people a day. and that's also a good thing so I don't get far behind when I don't check in every day.

I'm into HAM radio and do contesting as much as my job will allow. I drive truck for a living. I haul gas, diesel and jet fuel. Run around with a bomb strapped on my back all day. At least that's what the XLY tells me. I get home every night but just long enough to eat and sleep and do it again.

I enjoy RTTY a lot. Digital modes rock. IO do SSB too but...
Here are my working conditions at this time:
FT1000MP with all the extras you can put into it, Dentron MLA-2500 amp, I use a Microkeyer2 for my digital connections with an old beat up computer I keep running somehow. A also have an FT-2900 that I use for the local VHF chit-chat. I'm running the HF into a 40ft tower with a TH5DX tri-bander. I had a Steppir vertical up but just took it down to sell. I'm hoping with the funds I have saved and with selling the vertical I can upgrade my beam to a Steppir 3 element. This will cover all the bands I like to work. I don't get much time for 80m or 40m sense I go to work at 2am.

I cant spell worth a hoot and suck typing. I hunt and peck on the keyboard but it gets me by.

So that's enough about me. Hope to meet and help others here in the future.


The Radio Shop:
Welcome to my little piece of the web Jerry. It is great having you here.
Sounds like you have a lot of fun on radio. I only work on them and very seldom get the time to chat anymore. But hey, working on them is fun.

welcome to the forum.   If you have any questions, fire away!   


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