Announcements and Welcomes > New member welcome

hello I'm here too :)

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hi :) decided to join your forum too, I'm not a HAm but I enjoy the videos and love electronics too :)


The Radio Shop:

--- Quote from: RobertoLG on March 24, 2016, 11:47:08 PM ---hi :) decided to join your forum too, I'm not a HAm but I enjoy the videos and love electronics too :)


--- End quote ---

Welcome Roberto,
Nice to have you here with us.  Does not matter if you are a ham or not.
Thanks for stopping it my friend.

you should put the link of the forum at the youtube channel, so people can find it, and you already passed 800 subscribers  :) congrats!

The Radio Shop:
That's a good idea Roberto. I will do that.
Yes, this morning 805 subs.
1K will be here soon :) Cannot wait. Things change when you hit 1K.
Thanks for the suggestion my friend. It would be nice to get this forum back in full swing again.

Hi Roberto,
Yea, Im kinda like you (just got my Tech license a few years ago) but was never a ham until recently, and I love Buddys youtubes and electronics as well. Hope to see you soon also!!


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