Announcements and Welcomes > New member welcome

Hi from the UK


Hi Guys: My name is Andy & I'm based in the UK, got introduced to Electrical servicing at the tender age of about 5 years old (1960's). Used to have a chair in my favourite uncles Electrical workshop & spent many happy days watching him repair all sorts of stuff, he was the only repair man in a fairly big area.
Decided then that I wanted to be like him & he eventually started letting me do little bits under his supervision, at about 12 I was given a TV to play with & my parents decided to buy me my own tools and best of all a TMK multimeter. With the guidance of a friendly local TV engineer, I managed to get the TV working. That was it, I was hooked on Electronics. Started playing with CB radio repair in the 70's & been doing it on & off ever since. Somewhere along the line I went to college & got qualified in Electrical / Electronics servicing etc.
 Glad to have found your site, now that CBtricks seems to have gone the way of all good things.

The Radio Shop:
Welcome Andy. Glad to have you over. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to your post.


Hey Buddy: Thanks for the welcome, appreciate it. Unfortunately CB radio mostly seems to have died a death over here, so very few repairs to write about & most of the radio's the members talk about I've never seen on the bench. Will try to chip in with a hopefully helpful comment when I can.


The Radio Shop:
CB has died out a bunch from where it was 20 years ago here in the US Andy. Most of the walk in stuff that comes in my shop is vintage gear that needs repair.  I refuse to work on the hack jobs that come around. Just takes too much time and folks do not want to pay the price.  Mostly why I prefer ham radio repairs.


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