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Messages - WS2L

Pages: [1]
Repeaters / Repeater Usage
« on: July 29, 2008, 08:06:33 AM »
I regularly monitor the repeater belonging to the club I am a member of. I also do some simplex work on 2 meters but since my 13B2 is horizontally polarized I usually stick to the repeater.

New member welcome / Greetings from WS2L
« on: March 11, 2008, 12:57:11 PM »
Well most people here probably know (and hate) me from QRZ where I\'m an Administrator and Editor. I\'m also frequent the Island Misfits website on a daily basis.

I am 44 years old and was first licensed in 1978 as WD2AHD as a Novice class licensee. I decided to start upgrading in 1985 when a good friend got me hooked on 2 meters so I upgraded to Technician. After that I bought a Kenwood TS530SP and continued operating CW in the Novice bands and started listening to 20 phone. I quickly upgraded to General class. Then about a year later in 2 months I upgraded to Advanced then Extra. It was 2 or 3 years before I decided to change my callsign before all the 2x1 calls were gone.

I live in Montclair, NJ (FN20vt) which is in Essex County. I enjoy operating 40 and 20 meter CW and PSK31. I also operate 144 and 432 MHz Phone, CW and FM.

I have some awards, WAC, WAS and DXCC with 256 worked and 182 confirmed with the ARRL. One day I will go through the shoe box to find about another 30 or so cards I need to submit.

I belong to the Raritan Bay Radio Amateurs (RBRA) in Sayreville, NJ which operates a crossband repeater on 146.760 and 443.200 and they also have Echlink installed (Node 155581) where I monitor most of the day.

Recently my son Dave (KC2SIS) got his Tech license and is now studying for General then extra.

I guess this is more than enough, looking forward to chatting with you all.

Oh yeah I run an "Anti-Radioshack" website at:

As a guest you can only view 4 or 5 forums, register and there are many more. We also run VBulletin and the site looks exactly like this one.

CW / Contest Vs. Ragchew
« on: March 04, 2008, 11:14:50 AM »
I do both actually as I do enjoy rag chewing when I have some time ti kill and am bored. I also enjoy contesting, CW or Phone it doesn\'t matter to me in the least. Right now I have no antennas up because I moved to a new QTH which is much higher in elevation than my previous QTH. My last place was Carteret, NJ (Exit 12 NJ Turnpike) and my antennas were only about 40\' ASL. The new QTH is in Montclair, NJ (FN20vt) and once the antennas installed my VHF/UHF yagi\'s will be roughly going to be at 350\' ASL so that should do a lot for my signal. I am also building a nice wire HF antenna which I can\'t wait to install and a friend of a very good friend  has offered to sell me a descent Yaesu HF amp that put out roughly 700-800 watts. Since it is an older amp I will treat it carefully and not overdrive it.

I\'m looking forward to operating in some contests, especially the CW ones but once I have the antennas up I will make a sked with anyone, phone or cw.

Ham Radio Chit Chat / My Shack
« on: February 22, 2008, 11:25:26 PM »
Unfortunately since I just moved to a new QTH a week ago my station is not fully/properly so I will wait a week or two until it is set up better.  :sadnana:

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