Author Topic: greatest has been that never was  (Read 6825 times)

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Offline kopcicle

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greatest has been that never was
« on: April 12, 2016, 03:21:45 AM »
I'm a bit rough on the troops at times . irreverent , irascible , acerbic , dirty old man with out remorse . I do have my good side . I really do teach what I learn and try to have some humor about it . Problem is I also have no problem calling an inept time waster just that , a waste of time . Guess I'll have to work on that .
I have nearly 30 years experience working on all common makes of motorcycle and and somewhat less experience working on those I can't spell . I honestly don't have a brand preference and believe that anything less than that you ride being more important than what you ride is a posture for a--hats , imbeciles and docile media led lemmings of the American public .

I started in radio by winding wire on a quaker oats box and listening through war surplus high impedance headphones . The first transmitter was a keyed 807 oscillator and the receiver a two tube regen . Grandfather was instrumental in  developing long range communications for B17's flying over Europe and pioneered the “flying wire” that is now used to talk ULF to submarines . I , like so many , was involved in early citizens band radio . A white face Knight , a Cam88 , A Citiphone SS and finally a Johnson Viking II (w/6146's and a complete rework of the audio circuit (can't leave well enough alone) . I returned from the service to transistors and early IC's . I still have a box of the original Cybernet 02A boards that I continue HF experiments with . I have the usual collection of Uniden and rebranded junk as well as a few more familiar pieces like a 390A , 1011c , 101's , Henry Tempo One , Uniden 2020 and at least one or two general coverage receivers , transmitters and transceivers . 
I dabble in 3,200VDC @ several amps (hint around 27.120MHZ)  as well as 50VDC @ several hundred amps (hint I'm a welder as well as experimenting with LDMOS) . I've even rebuilt or modified the audio output sections of echo ranging  equipment for fun and profit .
I listen everywhere and talk where my self imposed restrictions allow . There is still some question where my grandfathered General Radiotelephone License is applicable and even if it's still valid . I don't promote or condone unlicensed use of radio frequencies however I'll not impede nor discourage genuine innovation and experimentation either . Spirit of the law if you will  .

I digress , as per usual . If I reach the edges of your tolerance please inform me , publicly if necessary . I'm far beyond the age where a bruised ego means anything more than your using my transgression to show the rank and file what is and isn't allowed as well as keep my arrogant self out of trouble long enough to be of some assistance .

I do hope that this will be a fruitful and valuable if not at times difficult union .Online help , derision , insults , and outright laughing at you is available any time I'm actually at a keyboard . I'm only a PM or email  away  . The only request is that if it is of a unique and useful nature and that after having your ego bruised and your sensibilities offended beyond all sane expectations please post a synopsis of the problem , diagnosis and repair to the forum . I'd do it for you but I feel I've already done my bit by making you feel small , ignorant , inept and oh by the way , helping fix the problem .

..laughing with you , not at you
