The cuban PEOPLE are not the ones we should worry about. It is the GOV\'T who will take the resources, with their help from EURASIA. And slant drilling is for real, and they WILL do it. Probably already are as we speak. Remember, the Castros aren\'t paupers, just the common people are.
Cuba isn\'t a threat to us in anyway. That\'s only a Republican scare tactic.
A) We don\'t NEED that oil in our Gulf anyway, it would only increase our dependence of a fuel that we won\'t always have
B) They wouldn\'t slant drill, they have bigger fish to fry, and are such a poor country I\'m sure they Gov\'t could care less if some of their people were in the dark.
C) If B is not the case, we would know if they are slant drilling. Our intelligence may not be the best, but their heads aren\'t stuck in the sand. We have ways to monitor our borders, and offshore activity. Anyway, it\'s not our Government\'s problem. OPEC doesn\'t control the Gulf, private companies have bought rights to drill in the Gulf. It is THEIR responsibility to make sure slant drilling, or illegal drilling is taking place in their reserves.
Drilling rights in the Gulf