« on: March 21, 2009, 08:58:12 PM »
Holy cow Randy! That looks like it is fast becoming a very serious issue indeed, even though it is quite obviously decades in the making.
No doubt, there is a lot of info out there to help you with your plight, but I am curious...... are the former owner(s) stepping up to take care of the mess they have created? No matter how long ago or if the former owners are still in business or even alive, they are ultimately responsible and accountable.
Excuse me for being nosy, but would be interested in what is happening with you in all of this mess as a rather old, well established and successful corporation near here was hammered quite severely and financially for dumping PCBs into a creek that feeds Lake Hartwell a few decades ago now. The gub-mint takes all of this sort of stuff quite seriously and ALWAYS holds the original owners and perpetrators responsible as well as financially accountable.
If you are not getting support from the EPA and your states EPA counterparts, it\'s because you have not tweaked the interest of the right parties, officials or media outlets.