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Messages - KU0DM

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Debate Forum / Drilling for Oil off our coast
« on: June 26, 2008, 07:50:20 PM »
Quote from: K0DXC;16287

Your reply was off topic to my original post by miles.... anyways; I will reply to your post sometime this weekend, I have to go to the tennis courts with a friend now, then my grandparents should be arriving from Illinois.

You want to \'play ball\' you say? You\'re going to get wasted if you\'re speaking of baseball.

Explain how my rebuttals were off topic. I used scientific information and first hand accounts to answer to remarks you made. I quoted what you said before I answered, and the answer addressed your remarks.
I answered remarks about Saudi Arabia, oil prices, environmental impacts, and Saudi Arabia again.

Ok, have fun! Got back from the pool with some friends, hope the weather is as good up there in MN, as it is down here in KS!

Calvin, "Play ball" is a figure of speech. I didn\'t say I wanted to play ball, I said it would be "ball game, we lose" which simply means "IT\'S OVER" in regards to using all our renewable sources.
Glad you have such kind words. :icon_rolleyes:

Debate Forum / Drilling for Oil off our coast
« on: June 24, 2008, 11:10:19 PM »
Quote from: K0DXC;16270
Here\'s why we need to drill...

You mentioned getting oil from Saudi Arabia, why do that? Do you want to fund their terrorists?! If we drill from America WE will be the ones receiving the money from customers, not Osama Bin Laden.

I never said we should drill for oil off shore, I suggest we drill in Alaska and states out west where there are many un-tapped resources.

You say oil is a fossil fuel, we all knew that. Of course it will be gone some day, most of us learned that in 1st grade. There are tons of scientists and graduate students working on a new/better solution to our needs. In the mean time, WE NEED OIL!

You say that oil will become cheaper as the "renewable resource industry grows"..... I doubt it. We have "corn oil" now and all gas has done is rise in price. The more options people have to choose from, the less people that will choose oil. Therefore companies will need to raise their prices to stay in business. The OPPOSITE of what you suggested!

We will not be trashing the Earth by drilling for oil. Littering will cause more problems then drilling. I had a discussion with an elmer a few weeks ago and he said that there would be few problems if any (because of drilling for oil).

You talk about oil being a fossil fuel (non renewable)..... then you say that we can\'t use all the oil up or else our children\'s future will be harsh.... Wake up and smell the bacon Duncan, oil will be gone someday. It IS a fossil fuel. As for the environment, it\'s already screwed up. How do you think Al Gore made billions off of Global Warming.

Don\'t fund the terrorists by supporting simply importing oil from Saudi Arabia and other third world countries. Support America!

So what do you call asking Saudi Arabia to increase drilling? Is that not ALREADY "funding terrorism"? Cal, with your logic, we\'ve been funding terrorism all along, especially under the "house that Reagan built".  

You say that oil will become cheaper as the "renewable resource industry grows"..... I doubt it. We have "corn oil" now and all gas has done is rise in price. The more options people have to choose from, the less people that will choose oil. Therefore companies will need to raise their prices to stay in business. The OPPOSITE of what you suggested!

Why is gas so expensive? Speculators know we will be consuming record amounts. If the usefulness of oil goes down, people won\'t be rushing to buy oil commodities, and speculators won\'t be saying it\'s going to be more and more expensive every day. The main income for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is oil. We take away the appeal to buy oil from them, move away from oil, they have to reduce prices to compete with our FREE energy from the sun and wind. Drilling off our shores won\'t do that, why? Because as we grow, that won\'t provide enough. We will stilly be relying on the middle east for oil because all our energy infrastructure will be based around.

We will not be trashing the Earth by drilling for oil. Littering will cause more problems then drilling. I had a discussion with an elmer a few weeks ago and he said that there would be few problems if any (because of drilling for oil).

Then you are not very familiar with the process of drilling, refining, and storing oil.

A) Drilling for oil, when you dig deep into the earth, where oil is, there is also ground water there. That water no matter where you are, has an extremely high sodium content, and a high PH level. As you bring the oil to the top, the water comes with it, and escapes. Instead of being confined to little "caverns" where oil is, it is then released into the environment, because companies do little to nothing to control that run off. So the water kills of plants, and enters aquifers which many plants get underground moisture from, and it also enters our wells. Next time I\'m at my grandparents farm, I\'ll take some pictures of the area surrounding a oil well, there is NO vegetation within 100 yards of there, and studies my Emporia State University show that PH levels in underground water within 500 yards of there are extremely high.  

B) Refining, when you refine oil you are separating any of that water that is left, and again it enters the atmosphere. The other part of refining, includes reducing the sulfur levels in the oil, that release toxic gases which we can\'t control. Any runoff from the water also contains high levels of sulfur.  

C) Storing, crude or refined is often stored in batteries, not energy batteries but big tanks. Those are often A) Not sealed properly or B) Corrode quickly again releasing all of that.

Not to mention how you have to tear up surrounding landscape to get in and out, and the damage to wildlife. The environmental damage done by oil is tremendous, and it is even worse than coal.

You talk about oil being a fossil fuel (non renewable)..... then you say that we can\'t use all the oil up or else our children\'s future will be harsh.... Wake up and smell the bacon Duncan, oil will be gone someday. It IS a fossil fuel. As for the environment, it\'s already screwed up. How do you think Al Gore made billions off of Global Warming.

That is what I said Cal, oil is a fossil fuel and won\'t always be around. However you distorted it a bit, I said oil is a fossil fuel which we WILL use up. That is inevitable, whether we should use it up, or not is regardless, it\'s not going to last. However we can make it last longer, which will help in the long run while we wean ourselves off of a bad habit. You can\'t just go cold turkey with energy policies.

So because it\'s already screwed up, do you think it\'s justifiable to make it even worse? Or should we try and improve it?

You are losing a baseball game, should you just give up or try and make a comeback, and at least make it a close game?

Don\'t fund the terrorists by supporting simply importing oil from Saudi Arabia and other third world countries. Support America!

Too late for that, the Republicans in Washington keep pushing for more oil from there. Drilling in America is not the same as supporting America on several levels. A) It DOES tear up the environment, if it didn\'t then there wouldn\'t be restrictions on it.
B) Using more oil doesn\'t support America, we wouldn\'t see a price drop for at least a decade, and even then due to growth, we would still need more and it would be a marginal drop
and C) Using up our non-renewable sources before we have developed enough technology for total switch or mass change of energy would mean ball game, we lose.

Debate Forum / Drilling for Oil off our coast
« on: June 24, 2008, 10:50:37 PM »
Quote from: crazy;16263
When Katrina came through the gulf, and there was no (or little damage), that proved that drilling was safer now than ever, and that convinced me to support it.   If not, Cuba will get better at slant drilling and take it from us anyway.  Might as well use it ourselves first.  IMO.

That\'s partially true...there WAS damage to the platforms, then again in the big picture Katrina wasn\'t that big of a hurricane, only very deadly due to the region it affected, so that was a bad example on my part.

The Cubans won\'t mess around with slant drilling, that\'s only a false incentive provided to drill. "Get the oil first, before the Commies do!", same idea with the embargo we have on trade and travel to Cuba. The other thing is Cuba doesn\'t have their act together, many are JUST getting internet there, they have their own problems they are sorting out first. They haven\'t been as prominent on the world scene lately because of just that, the switching of power and Raul SO FAR seems intent in getting his nation back on track in terms of domestic policies and living standards.

Debate Forum / Drilling for Oil off our coast
« on: June 20, 2008, 10:27:29 PM »
Quote from: K0DXC;16252
I think we need to drill for oil off coast. If we don\'t, our children\'s future will be harsh.

Why? We drilled endlessly in the early 1900\'s, the oil boom of America. Our future already looks harsh because of our dependence on black gold.

The problem with drilling off coast is that it won\'t lower gas prices. It\'s not the availability of gas that is driving prices up, it is Wallstreet. People have been buying lots of petroleum bonds, and speculators keep saying it will go higher because of our thirst for it, thus driving the value of it up.

Most people think that our energy industry is like currency. The more in production or circulation, the cheaper. It doesn\'t work that way, the more in production the more we use. The more we use, the more expensive it becomes.

If we drill of coast, that won\'t budge the gas prices one bit. Saudi Arabia recently agreed to up its output of crude oil, you\'ll notice gas either stayed the same or went higher. Why? Because investors knew that more would be consumed at that point, creating a larger and larger market for petroleum, making it more valuable.

Plus there are many environmental and personal risks to drilling off shore, drilling for oil as it is isn\'t safe, now doing that over water makes it riskier. Plus in the Gulf to boot! Imagine what happens if a big hurricane comes through, those platforms could easily be heavily damaged, OR destroyed by the power of storms. It\'s like playing in the freeway.  

People think by decreasing our dependence on foreign oil, we will be better off. Their solution is drill at home. What we aren\'t realizing is the consequences of this. Oil is a fossil fuel, nonrenewable resource right? An oil field in Texas started forming at the beginning of time, and will be exhausted  in a about decade if our oil consumption continues to climb. The earth simply can not keep producing fossil fuels, the time it takes to form a deposit that will pay for itself is way into the future.

By not investing in a form of energy that we can use as many times as we want, THAT is what will be putting the hurt on the future. Yeah, it\'s not cheap now. But with time and as the renewable resource industry grows, it will become cheaper and more prominent. While if we waited till we absolutely needed to use renewable energy, the prices of production and the higher demands would be impossible to meet if we don\'t exploit and further research how to improve efficiency in this gold mine of clean energy.  

The environment also plays a big role. We can\'t trash the place up, you see what happens to contaminated streams after DDT poisoning from the early 1900s, the pesticides we use are nasty. Just think of how damaging petroleum is, with a higher sulfur content it is bad news for any living creature. We think we can contain it, but we can\'t. When drilling for oil, gases are released immediately after you hit the well. When coal mining, toxins escape the mines and enter streams and aquifers.  

Whether we like it or not, we need to prepare ourselves for the future of our children and grandchildren.  We can\'t achieve that by exhausting our main fuel sources, and leaving them a screwed up environment to boot.

Debate Forum / Mom and Dad
« on: May 17, 2008, 10:31:15 PM »
I disagree. Religious intolerance is the reason for this war in Iraq right now. Is the reason for terrorism in the world.

Trust me, I\'m plenty tolerant of Christian religions.
I just like to debate them, for or against.

Do you think that is religious intolerance?

Debate Forum / Mom and Dad
« on: May 17, 2008, 10:11:15 PM »
I understand perfectly what you claim God said about sodomy.

But what does that mean in terms of homosexuality? Are you 100% okey dokey unless you commit sodomy? Do you think sodomy is the exact same thing as homosexuality? I have stated that homosexuality and sodomy are not the same thing. So why does the Church try and treat them as the exact same?

I think someone could be a sodomist and still be Christian. Does committing an act of sodomy automatically mean you don\'t believe in God or Jesus? Abomination or not, God loves you. Right? Or is it a conditional love?

Lastly, are you suggesting I\'m a sodomist by your final remark?
I hope you are not.

Debate Forum / Mom and Dad
« on: May 17, 2008, 09:26:59 PM »
So does that mean it is an abomination if you lie with one of your own sex, or if you are homosexual?

What if someone is homosexual but does not have a burning lust? Does that still make them wrong?

How is homosexuality a vile affection?  

"I want God\'s gay and lesbian children to know of God\'s unconditional love and acceptance of them as well. We cannot find any condemnation in scripture for committed monogamous same-sex relationships." Rev. Charles Coppinger, Chaplain of the Arizona Legislature in a letter to legislators, sent 2000-NOV-7, announcing that he is a gay male.

   "The half-dozen biblical references to homosexuality do not reflect what we understand today about loving relationships. This is an identity, not a sin." The Rev. Dan Johnson of Good Samaritan United Methodist Church in Edina,MN.

Are Bible translators truly free of bias?

The answer is no. They have never been free to translate the Bible as their understanding of the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek dictated. One famous example was the translation of the King James Version of the Bible. The translators were pressured into attacking "witches" where:
bullet   The original Hebrew text in the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) discussed women who used spoken curses to hurt or kill others.
bullet   The original Greek text in the Christian Scriptures (New Testament) discussed people who murdered others through the use of poison.


The bible makes comments based on circumstances, no where does it have a flat out "No, this is wrong". Until that happens, it is unknown what the true message is due to the fact the many translations of it may have changed over time.

Even if the bible did issue a flat out NO, do you think it is still right that the government should suppress the rights of homosexuals? Or that the Church should support suppressing the rights?

Debate Forum / Mom and Dad
« on: May 17, 2008, 08:41:52 PM »
Hate was a bad word. Let me change that to "dislikes".

Still, the point I am trying to get across is that the bible never said anything about homosexuality. It never said it\'s wrong or right. However, it does speak of sodomy. However homosexuality and sodomy are not the same thing. So why speak out against homosexuality in a religious manner, when really it is OK according to the bible?

There is a difference between sodomy and homosexuality that is not being recognized by the Church. If it was, the Church would be OK with same sex couples, but would frown upon acts of sodomy.

Just because someone performs an act that may be an abomination, doesn\'t mean that the person in any way themselves is an abomination. So why should the Church support suppressing the rights of homosexuals, when there is nothing wrong with homosexuality?

Like I said, the Church can not prove beyond reasonable suspicion that any same sex couple will perform an act of sodomy.  

Homosexuality is a condition or feeling one might say. Sodomy is an act.  
The Bible is against the act, the Church is against the condition.

Debate Forum / Mom and Dad
« on: May 17, 2008, 06:56:39 PM »
But does that mean homosexuality is wrong?

It states sodomy is wrong, but does that make homosexuality wrong? One can\'t prove beyond reasonable suspicion that just because one is homosexual, that they will perform an act of sodomy.

If the Church wants to discriminate against someone, it should be sodomites not homosexuals. Homosexuality is the state of loving, or strongly caring for one of the same sex. NOT an abomination. Sodomy is different than homosexuality, that is an act.

Even then, just because one my commit and act of sodomy, should the Church hate them? No. God loves us all, and the famous and almost annoying quote "Hate the sin, love the sinner"

Debate Forum / Mom and Dad
« on: May 17, 2008, 01:40:08 PM »
So let\'s not condemn the just.

Homosexuality is just. It is loving one of your same sex. Is that not just?

Debate Forum / Mom and Dad
« on: May 17, 2008, 12:40:07 PM »
Homosexuality like many believe does not automatically correlate to sodomy.  

Anyway, it\'s not homosexuality that God "frowns upon" it\'s sodomy. Sodomy can be a sin conducted by both hetero and homosexuals.

Just because someone is homosexual doesn\'t mean they have committed sodomy. Therefore the Church should have no problem. It is when an act of sodomy happens that the Church has a problem. Since they can not prove an act of sodomy has happened, only a suspicion, they should not frown up homosexuals. Really, if the Church would do that just because the chances of sodomy MAY be higher, then the Church would also frown upon heterosexual men, for they also have a chance of committing sodomy.

The only grounds that Church has to frown upon homosexuality, since the bible nor God ever said anything in depth about it, is sodomy. Using that as a reason to frown upon it is profiling, as straight men can also commit and act of sodomy.

The Church\'s views are based on a suspicion.

Debate Forum / Mom and Dad
« on: May 17, 2008, 12:26:48 PM »
That\'s OK. I was just voicing my opinion.

Find somewhere in the bible where it says that truly loving someone of the same sex is against God\'s word? It\'s not there. Jesus himself taught that it is OK to love men and women all the same. Neither God nor Jesus ever stated homosexuality is an abomination.

That was a view that the Church developed on it\'s own.

Debate Forum / Mom and Dad
« on: May 15, 2008, 06:59:35 PM »
Why should a Gay couple be deprived of the right to share the love they have for each other with a child?

It\'s the "American Dream" to raise a family, why should we deprive someone of this dream just because they are homosexual?

Elmers Forum / Satellite Project
« on: April 04, 2008, 11:03:20 PM »
Been having trouble getting the 440 elements tuned, but did some more research: 440 is for the downlink, won\'t be transmitting on the 440 antennas, so they are put together, but are kind of crude with not the best SWR. But each one has a great pattern and some directionality! From 10 feet, pointed one at my radio area (computers, radios, electronics) and there was S9 noise, pointed the moxon 180 degrees away and it dropped to S1, that pattern amazes me.

Tomorrow will be working on the phasing and matching lines, then will post pics. of the entire assembly.

Wish me luck! :icon_rolleyes:

Elmers Forum / Satellite Project
« on: April 03, 2008, 06:57:07 PM »
Finished my 2m elements, will post back with pics. soon.
Each has about a 1.5:1 SWR, good enough, not going to mess around with it since I finally got it the way I want it mechanically, lol.

Need to make the phasing line for it, then move on to the 440 ones!

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