Almost gave up joining !
Yesterday started taking apart my unit. Just as I thought. Scope assembly is separate. Looked very clean inside the scope unit. No heat markings.
Careful visual inspection. No burned resistors or anything visual. Eletrolytic Caps look good. Checked the plastic connector on main unit. AC
going to scope unit. If I could be so lucky ! Tomorrow check the on off switch on the scope. Then fire it up with AC. But that's it for now. Sold
my entry level Ellenco SG-9500 RF signal generator on Ebay. So Im in it for the long run ! With my new Boat Anchor Radio service unit!
Mine was built in 5/1981, Serial 559 I think. Forgot to write it down. A previous owner. Scratched his address & SSI # underneath the scope.
on top of the second unit. Will try to contact. You never know. Might still have the manual !
Using a doughnut torroid with 20 - 25 turns of enameled wire. Will make a pick up for my $8.00 1Hz resolution/accuracy freq counter & check
to see if she is on the button on 27.185. Then align the receive of upd858 CB radio.
Will print out your previous instructions. Cleaned all the rotary switches. Will upload pictures tomorrow.
Best John