I have updated my webpage to include a user defined amateur radio wiki, that means you can add things yourself if you wish. Im not sure if you have to be a member of freewebs or not, if so and you do not wish to you can ask me to add something by stating so in my blog.
Also if you have a ham radio home page or forum and you would like me to add it to my links page leave the url on my blog, email me, or send me a PM right here on gokarters. Also you could post the link in this thread which would server dual purposes, one it would let me know you want it added, two you could provide other hams with the informative info on your page. Also if you have a favorite retailer that you deal with and would like me to add it to my amateur radio commercial links I will do so. A lot of people have favorite little spots to pick up parts and odds and ends, so please share your experiences.
Back to the wiki, if I have info that you disagree with or I have misrepresented please let me know. Also if you feel that you could word something more eloquently than I it will be changeable. Anyway I added this section for educational purposes, so feel free to help me educate and make the lives of others more simplistic by providing an e-reference to amateur radio.
Thank you and 73 de kb3laz