Over The Air > Radio Restoration and Repair database
Restoring a Siltronix 1011C
Not sure why I am doing this. Guess it is just because I want to prove that I can?:arf2:
Anyway a lady I did some work for gave me this old thing. I really did not want it but just could not say no. After taking the rust bucket home I noticed something. On the inside cover there was my call written in pencil. I owned the rig when I first got my ticket then later sold it. How she ended up with it I never may know.
Anyway the rig has been sitting in a garage for years. There was also pesticides stored over top of the shelf it was on. Rig has a lot of chassis rust. Although the electronics look good the chassis looks bad. Some of the iron core slugs are gone due to deterioration and two of the variable caps in the PA circuit are stuck.
But the under side looks good!
So basically tearing each compartment out and grinding out the rust the reassembling it.
Thinking about removing the "CB" band and adding more of the 10 meter band. Also the rig has no CW circuit so may have to add that.
This is going to take a while.....
Looks bad eh?
The question would be, where to start? I mean you have the case off. Do you completely disassemble it, or just clean it with a q tip and some gentle cleaner, replace the obviously bad, then fire her up? Nostalgia can be troublesome, lmao.
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