I ordered a small 40 meter ham radio receiver kit from the 4-States QRP Club over a month ago and it finally arrived. It would have only taken 2 days to get here but good ol' PayPal sent them my old address in St Louis to ship it to even though I corrected that address on PayPal back in January when I moved down here to Arkansas. As soon as I discovered that the original order was sent to the wrong address, I contacted PayPal and they had no explanation on how it happened, but had me submit a claim.
Then I contacted the 4SQRP Club and Johnny sent me one out the same day and said it was not necessary to send them more money since I had given them the correct shipping address when I ordered the kit. It arrived 3 days later. WOW, that is what I call good customer service. He had the Club's PayPal representative checking into it the same day too. Now I am just waiting for them to credit the money back to my credit card. I'll send Johnny at 4SQRP the money as soon as PayPal lives up to their part.
Okay, enough of my whining about PayPal. Everybody makes mistakes once in a while and they seem to be working to get it fixed quickly.
This little receiver is a direct conversion circuit rather than a superhet circuit. You can find more information on the internet about it. I will list a link to a really good set of videos on You Tube about building this receiver in the final part of this build listing. ZI suspect it will take 3 or 4 parts but we will see what happens.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all.
73 DE K7RMJ Frank