Ok well if not do any of you enjoy setting up fish tanks or any other aquatic setups. I personally love to study fish and setup many habitats including, freshwater tanks, freshwater ponds, and saltwater tanks. By the time I was 15 I had a $5,000 125 gallon saltwater habitat setup in my bedroom as well as a 125 gallon reef tank in the family room. My father and I also dug a 50 foot by 50 foot 15 foot deep koi pond in the back yard.
It all started when I was about 7 years old and I got a 10g fish tank for my birthday. Ever since then I have been hooked. LOL, I even received a fine when I was 15 for ordering an illegal amazonian cat fish over the internet. Granted I didnt know it was an endangered species, so I got off cheap. I remember it clearly being a 500$ fine, trust me it could have been much worse.
I have owned a variety of fresh and saltwater fish, but one of the most memorable was the alligator gar, man was it mean and did it ever grow fast.
However my most memorable setup was my 125g saltwater tank, which consisted of 2 panther grouper, a porcupine puffer, a few types of wrass, a snowflake eel, and a volitian lion fish. Unfortunately my fish were not properly taken care of by my parents when I went to school my first semester and I came home to an empty tank.
As of right now my two 125 gallon tanks consist of bacteria, lol, however now that I commute to school I will rebuild my former setup. The only set up I have as of right now is a 35g hex with a few percula and an anemone, which is fascinating. It is just cool to watch the symbiotic relationship of the two.
For those of you who have never owned a saltwater setup you should try it because it is fun, but can be stressful. However be careful as many saltwater fish are lethal(poisonous). Oh ya and it can get pricey!!