Here is the beginning of my new 6 meter rig. This is semi homebrew. The basic radio came from a MFJ 9406.
The small package made it impossible to upgrade or modify. I added a new chassis. A 6 to 1 ratio vfo mechanism. I have 12 amp power supply that I will be installing. Also a working and tested 6 segment LED readout.
The chassis was originally an old mobile 11 meter amp that I bought at a yard sale for 20 bucks. I stripped it down and saved some of the parts for later projects. The vfo mechanism is from a Pal vfo. I will be adding rf shields to the main board, vfo and display. This should help keep the display clock out of the receiver.
I also will be adding a squelch circuit, mic gain control, and a alc control.
I have to reprint the anolog disk once the radio is completed.
I will post more as this project progresses.