Author Topic: Dan Bittleston has passed away.  (Read 15010 times)

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Dan Bittleston has passed away.
« on: December 07, 2007, 12:50:10 PM »
He had a heart attack on the 1st of December, and after stints, balloons and other treatments they attempted a 4 way bypass.  He did not make it.  He will be missed for sure.  God bless his family, as Dan is now looking down from above, no doubt.
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Dan Bittleston has passed away.
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2007, 01:13:14 PM »
It is truely sad that a great friend like Dan is now gone.
But he is gone to a better world than what we have ever had.

I will truely miss you my brother.

Here is a copy of the email I got this morning.

Hello to all of you on Daniel Bittleston\'s e-mails to me. I am Danny sister, Ruth Bramer in Spokane ,Wa.
Daniel had a serious heart attack on Sat Dec 1, 2007. He was taken emergency and then on to the Baptist Heart Hospital in Jacksonville. He received a pass maker and a stent and a balloon in his heart first on Sat PM. His body did not respond well to that procedure and his kidneys were not functioning their best. Drs stabilized him and continued further testing. On Monday it was determined he was in need of 4 by passes. I talked with him on the phone for a short time on Monday Pm. He was aware of the 4 by passes and surgery scheduled for Tue Am. He had the surgery and Linda called me and said all had gone well and he was in recovery. By 11 PM his body temperature and blood pressure began decreasing. He was given 4 units of blood and was not responding by 4 Am. Linda called me again at 4 Am and said she had just been informed he was not going to be with us long,, and at about 4:20 Am he was gone. ( Dec 5, 2007  age 69)
This has been super hard on everyone as not expected at all.
I am not certain of who many of you are etc,, but just felt the need to e-mail you.
The details have not been made certain as of today,,,
God bless you all and thanks for your friendships with my brother Danny,
Ruth Bramer