Author Topic: Another Earth??  (Read 35525 times)

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Offline KE6SHJ

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Another Earth??
« Reply #15 on: April 24, 2008, 09:37:32 PM »
Quote from: WV6Z;15980
With one of these silly.....

One of those silly things would crumble. That 300 ton block would laugh at that crane and say to it..... :lol_hitting: :pig_flying:
Let them say, I lived in the time of Hector, tamer of horses.

Let them say, I lived in the time of Achilles.  :sterb029:

Offline K0DXC

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Another Earth??
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2008, 09:46:54 AM »
Quote from: N2RJ;15954
I dunno about finding other intelligent life.  I\'m kinda happy they haven\'t found us yet.

Remember that "to serve man" was a cookbook.  :eyepop:

I almost have to agree with Ryan. Yes, I would be (and am) curious to see if there is any life out there, but what if they have the way dominant society. What if they started a war with us and wiped out the human race? If we find life, we have to hope they take us as friends and come in peace.
Cal, K0DXC

Offline MAC40

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If I can\'t understand it - a SPACEMAN had to have done it!
« Reply #17 on: April 25, 2008, 04:02:32 PM »
NEWS FLASH!  (using the same logic) The Parthenon in Greece was built by SPACEMEN!  (obviously – since historians don’t know their methods)

How did the Athenians construct their mighty temple, an icon of Western civilization, in less than a decade—apparently without an overall building plan? How did they manage to incorporate subtle visual elements into the Parthenon\'s layout and achieve such faultless proportions and balance? And how were the Parthenon\'s builders able to work at a level of precision (in some cases accurate to within a fraction of a millimeter) without the benefit of modern tools? "We\'re not as good as they were," Lena Lambrinou, an architect on the restoration project, observes with a sigh.

Who knows what other things the spacemen might have built?  Maybe the magician Houdini was one of them because he did things that are unexplained today.  If WE (who represent the most intelligent beings the world has ever produced) cannot explain it, then these things were obviously done by supernatural powers or by an outer-cosmos, incredibly advanced race of space travelers!   :music334:

First of all, intelligence is not evolving.  If you will look at the typical high school textbooks of around 1820 – 1860 you would discover that today’s student with a bachelor’s degree in science would have a difficult time with much of the material.  Let’s face it folks… the average man in previous centuries was significantly more intelligent than most people today.  Do not confuse technology with intelligence.  Just because you cannot understand something, let’s not assume that people in earlier centuries were intellectually challenged too.  We are DE-volving.

We were created by God.  We have not continued to improve through time.  We are not evolving into more intelligent and healthier beings.  Quite the opposite is true.  We are now suffering from an increasing number of “hereditary” diseases that Adam, Eve, Seth and Daniel never dreamed of.  AND we are not getting any smarter either.

Offline crazy

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Another Earth??
« Reply #18 on: April 25, 2008, 06:03:32 PM »
Quote from: MAC40;15993

  If WE (who represent the most intelligent beings the world has ever produced) cannot explain it, then these things were obviously done by supernatural powers or by an outer-cosmos, incredibly advanced race of space travelers!   :music334:

But, we do not know if we are the most intelligent beings in the world.  That is the point.
Peace will not be found at a MidEast table. Peace began at a MidEast STABLE, but everyone seems to deny it.
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.
Believing in  evolution is like expecting a tornado to go through a junkyard and create a Mercedes Benz on its way out!
If you don\'t stand behind our US troops, then please feel free to stand in front of them. Yea, that\'s what I thought..........

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Another Earth??
« Reply #19 on: March 14, 2010, 09:49:12 PM »
For the great pyramids, a stone had to be cut, delivered and placed every 9 seconds to fit in with the building schedule.   It didn\'t happen.  And there are also stones weighing over 400 tonnes, on other sites.     No way.

Back to Egypt.    No iron tools have been found, and no instruments that could explain the degree of accuracy.    

There are sight-tunnels that extend from the depths to the top, and they line up with stars in other constellations that can\'t be seen with the human eye.     There was more to their construction than we know at this time,  much more.  

Hey Mac40,  no one said that the first things done by ETs was the landmarks.  Nor did everyone say it was the most important.    But there are reasons they are placed at certain parallels, it wasn\'t random.     I hope we find out more in our lifetime.   We will just have to see!
Peace will not be found at a MidEast table. Peace began at a MidEast STABLE, but everyone seems to deny it.
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.
Believing in  evolution is like expecting a tornado to go through a junkyard and create a Mercedes Benz on its way out!
If you don\'t stand behind our US troops, then please feel free to stand in front of them. Yea, that\'s what I thought..........

Offline JADE

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Another Earth??
« Reply #20 on: March 15, 2010, 01:08:00 PM »
Quote from: MAC40;15993
...... AND we are not getting any smarter either.

I have to agree with you here.  The American people knew very little about Obama other than he hung with radicals and fanatics and racists, and they voted him in. :icon_rolleyes: I rest my case. LOL

Crazy, I\'ve heard these concerns about pyramids over the years and I haven\'t seen any honest investigations or calculations proving or disproving them.  I wonder why?  Is it just too much for scientists to figure out or what?

Maybe I\'ll google it and see if some nerds have figured it out. ;-)
God bless,

I question....therefore I think....I think....therefore I am....I think?

Offline crazy

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Another Earth??
« Reply #21 on: March 16, 2010, 12:30:34 PM »
Quote from: JADE;17184
Crazy, I\'ve heard these concerns about pyramids over the years and I haven\'t seen any honest investigations or calculations proving or disproving them.  I wonder why?  Is it just too much for scientists to figure out or what?

Maybe I\'ll google it and see if some nerds have figured it out. ;-)

If you find anything credible and/or interesting, send me a link.   I love this stuff!  

Thanx, Crazy
Peace will not be found at a MidEast table. Peace began at a MidEast STABLE, but everyone seems to deny it.
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.
Believing in  evolution is like expecting a tornado to go through a junkyard and create a Mercedes Benz on its way out!
If you don\'t stand behind our US troops, then please feel free to stand in front of them. Yea, that\'s what I thought..........

Offline JADE

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Another Earth??
« Reply #22 on: March 16, 2010, 07:46:28 PM »

Without too much work I was able to find a rather interesting and viable source that pretty much comes to the conclusion that it is not impossible to build one of those pyramids in 20-30 years with what was available to them during that era.  I pretty much did a speed read on it since I got an algebra tutoring appointment in a couple minutes and got to get set up to help my sisnlaw.  But what I saw seemed to pan out and seemed to be figured out with many variables included.  Have fun reading it bro.
God bless,

I question....therefore I think....I think....therefore I am....I think?

Offline crazy

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Another Earth??
« Reply #23 on: March 17, 2010, 09:10:32 PM »
That was a good read.  But there still have been no tools found that would cut the stones that accurate.   NONE.     To cut and place them so precise that a credit card won\'t fit between them, THAT is skill.    Perhaps someday we will have the details that we are left without right now.  I can hardly wait.  I love archaeology.    There was a big discovery/announcement there this week, I am about to try and dig it up (lol) and see what it was all about.   Thanx, Crazy
Peace will not be found at a MidEast table. Peace began at a MidEast STABLE, but everyone seems to deny it.
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.
Believing in  evolution is like expecting a tornado to go through a junkyard and create a Mercedes Benz on its way out!
If you don\'t stand behind our US troops, then please feel free to stand in front of them. Yea, that\'s what I thought..........