Author Topic: Call Letters ????  (Read 17252 times)

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Offline Being Conformed

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Call Letters ????
« on: March 15, 2008, 02:23:04 PM »
Okay, so gimme the basics (cliff notes please):

How do arrive at your \'call letters\'  \'user handle\'?

What is the actual term to describe your \'handle\' \'call letter\'?

Why do some have \'W\' and some \'K\'?

:dontgetit: :dontgetit:
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Call Letters ????
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2008, 06:27:01 PM »
After completion of an Amateur radio test (and pass) The FCC (Federal Communication Commission) assigns the call sign. Now the prefix letter is or was a designator of classification.
Novice = K 2x3
Technician = N 1x3
General and Advance = W 1x3 2x3
Extra class = A 2x1

My call is a 2x3 "KC4UMO"
The number is the call district.

I may be wrong on a couple of those. Been a while.

My Call starts with K. However It was the first call I got and never changed with the upgrades.

BTW, good to see you.

Offline crazy

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Call Letters ????
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2008, 07:06:37 PM »
I remember a friend was into this many years ago.   I could swear his # was KAKO1175.  Maybe I am wrong, but that sounds so right. Whatdoya think?
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Offline Being Conformed

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Call Letters ????
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2008, 12:49:36 AM »
Thanks, Buddy!  Nice to see you too.   Not sure I completely understand it all.  

I thought that each person got to make up the call letters kind of personalized like ppl do with license plates.

Crazy, not sure what you mean about the one you listed.   I think this is not my territory - lol.
Emmanuel - God is with us

Offline KI4RVH

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Call Letters ????
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2008, 01:45:32 AM »
Quote from: crazy;15643
I remember a friend was into this many years ago.   I could swear his # was KAKO1175.  Maybe I am wrong, but that sounds so right. Whatdoya think?

That sounds like an old CB callsign.  They used to have to have callsigns.  They all had 4 numbers at the end.  Ours was like KCE4950 if I remember right.  It was good for the whole family.  That was like 25 years ago.  Wow I\'m gettin old!

73 (best regards)


Offline crazy

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Call Letters ????
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2008, 07:53:23 AM »
That may be the case.  I will have to stop and ask him, I have not seen the guy in a couple of years.  I did not know that cb\'ers used call signs.  Thanks
Peace will not be found at a MidEast table. Peace began at a MidEast STABLE, but everyone seems to deny it.
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.
Believing in  evolution is like expecting a tornado to go through a junkyard and create a Mercedes Benz on its way out!
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Offline K0DXC

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Call Letters ????
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2008, 06:48:41 PM »
Buddy just about got it right. Things are a bit different now though with the licensing changes though.
Cal, K0DXC

Offline WV6Z

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Call Letters ????
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2008, 03:53:06 AM »
Quote from: Being Conformed;15646
I thought that each person got to make up the call letters kind of personalized like ppl do with license plates.

My, now wouldn that be fun! :)
Tom ~ WV6Z

Offline KE6SHJ

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Call Letters ????
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2008, 10:15:23 AM »
Quote from: crazy;15643
I remember a friend was into this many years ago.   I could swear his # was KAKO1175.  Maybe I am wrong, but that sounds so right. Whatdoya think?

Aye. That is an old CB callsign. I remember my dads is KAIL-9306. Many many many moons over my hammy ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!      :worship:
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Call Letters ????
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2008, 10:22:11 AM »
Quote from: crazy;15643
I remember a friend was into this many years ago.   I could swear his # was KAKO1175.  Maybe I am wrong, but that sounds so right. Whatdoya think?

Yep, old cb call sign from years ago. Mine was kade8859. Can not believe I still remember it.

And yep. I was a cb\'er in my child hood :eyepop:

Offline KF4FMT

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Call Letters ????
« Reply #10 on: June 25, 2008, 07:34:06 PM »
Quote from: Being Conformed;15634
Okay, so gimme the basics (cliff notes please):

How do arrive at your \'call letters\'  \'user handle\'?

What is the actual term to describe your \'handle\' \'call letter\'?

Why do some have \'W\' and some \'K\'?

:dontgetit: :dontgetit:

THIS might help.
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Call Letters ????
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2008, 08:46:08 AM »
Welcome to the site.

Offline w8nsi

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Call Letters ????
« Reply #12 on: June 29, 2008, 08:35:47 PM »
Quote from: Being Conformed;15634
Okay, so gimme the basics (cliff notes please):

How do arrive at your \'call letters\'  \'user handle\'?

What is the actual term to describe your \'handle\' \'call letter\'?

Why do some have \'W\' and some \'K\'?

:dontgetit: :dontgetit:

Quote from: Administrator;15641
After completion of an Amateur radio test (and pass) The FCC (Federal Communication Commission) assigns the call sign. Now the prefix letter is or was a designator of classification.
Novice = K 2x3
Technician = N 1x3
General and Advance = W 1x3 2x3
Extra class = A 2x1

My call is a 2x3 "KC4UMO"
The number is the call district.

I may be wrong on a couple of those. Been a while.

My Call starts with K. However It was the first call I got and never changed with the upgrades.

BTW, good to see you.

Quote from: crazy;15643
I remember a friend was into this many years ago.   I could swear his # was KAKO1175.  Maybe I am wrong, but that sounds so right. Whatdoya think?

That KAKO call is a CB call near the end of when the FCC still assigned those.
I had one then KARK4820 and before that KNN2829.

Back in 1972 when I took my novice test (given by a friend WB8HRT, now W8ZP) I was assigned WN8NSI. All novice calls used to have N as the second letter in the prefix of the call. The first letter might be either a K or W at the time.

When I moved on to the Tech license, the FCC assigned me WB8NSI. The waiting was terrible, approximately a month for the license to arrive. We didn\'t have the internet then to be able to look at a FCC database to see what activity was on a call sign.

PS: I still have the original novice license. It was one of the cut and fold wallet licenses. I recently found it while digging through some papers. It is now safely stored away with my other important papers.

My call remained the same through upgrades of General Class and Advanced Class. In 1999 I checked the listings of available calls and found that the W8 version of my call was vacant (and had been since about 1953 I found out later) so I applied to the FCC for a vanity call of W8NSI (my current call sign). General Class and up are permitted 1x3 calls I believe. I have the Extra Class license and can get any of the 1x2, 2x1, or 2x2 calls that may be available.

My call W8NSI had been vacant since the 1950s. The previous holder of the call is now KI7BM, John Branch from Arizona. He contacted me to tell me the history of the W8NSI call.

Here is the link to a web page that lists calls that are in the vanity pool. Be sure to read the instructions at the top of the page because the calls are color coded by age and whether they are immediately available. A call must be vacant for 2 years before it becomes available. This link is for the 1x3 calls. By clicking the boxes at the top of the page you can select other list options.

73 de w8nsi jim

Offline w8nsi

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Call Letters ????
« Reply #13 on: June 29, 2008, 08:43:04 PM »
Quote from: Being Conformed;15634
Okay, so gimme the basics (cliff notes please):

How do arrive at your \'call letters\'  \'user handle\'?

What is the actual term to describe your \'handle\' \'call letter\'?

Why do some have \'W\' and some \'K\'?

:dontgetit: :dontgetit:

Quote from: Administrator;15641
After completion of an Amateur radio test (and pass) The FCC (Federal Communication Commission) assigns the call sign. Now the prefix letter is or was a designator of classification.
Novice = K 2x3
Technician = N 1x3
General and Advance = W 1x3 2x3
Extra class = A 2x1

My call is a 2x3 "KC4UMO"
The number is the call district.

I may be wrong on a couple of those. Been a while.

My Call starts with K. However It was the first call I got and never changed with the upgrades.

BTW, good to see you.

Quote from: crazy;15643
I remember a friend was into this many years ago.   I could swear his # was KAKO1175.  Maybe I am wrong, but that sounds so right. Whatdoya think?

That KAKO call is a CB call near the end of when the FCC still assigned those.
I had one then KARK4820 and before that KNN2829.

Back in 1972 when I took my novice test (given by a friend WB8HRT, now W8ZP) I was assigned WN8NSI. All novice calls used to have N as the second letter in the prefix of the call. The first letter might be either a K or W at the time.

When I moved on to the Tech license, the FCC assigned me WB8NSI by the FCC. The waiting was terrible, approximately a month for the license to arrive. PS: I still have the original novice license. It was one of the cut and fold wallet licenses. I recently found it while digging through some papers.

My call remained the same through upgrades of General Class and Advanced Class. In 1999 I checked the listings of available calls and found that the W8 version of my call was vacant so I applied to the FCC for a vanity call of W8NSI (my current call sign). General Class and up are permitted 1x3 calls I believe. I have the Extra Class license and can get any of the 1x2, 2x1, or 2x2 calls that may be available.

My call W8NSI had been vacant since the 1950s. The previous holder of the call is now KI7BM, John Branch from Arizona. He contacted me to tell me the history of the call.

Here is the link to a web page that lists calls that are in the vanity pool. Be sure to read the instructions at the top of the page because the calls are color coded by age and whether they are immediately available. A call must be vacant for 2 years before it becomes available. This link is for the 1x3 calls. By clicking the boxes at the top of the page you can select other list options.

73 de w8nsi jim