Man, it came through the accident better than me. The cylinders were full of oil, (which had the engine seized), the crankcase was empty and the hydraulic oil was gone, as well as the float was stuck in the carbeurator. It took a little over $100 worth of petroleum in all forms to get it back, but it looks OK.
I will have to get or make a muffler, as it was already in bad shape and is now shot. If I had a mig welder, I could probably fix it. But I only have a cheap stick welder, and it would make a mess.
I have been back down there where I turned it over, and it is a dangerous place. If I were bushhogging again down there, I would probably make the same mistake again. It just doesn\'t look like a dropoff there. It is downright eerie.
For anyone who does any tractor work, be extra careful. Always walk over any thick places, to look for holes, ditches or drop-offs. I have been doing farming work for almost all my life. I am well experience in this stuff. But I came close to death in an instant. I hope I never go through this again.
Be careful guys. Crazy