Author Topic: NC unemployment sees record spike.  (Read 15927 times)

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NC unemployment sees record spike.
« on: January 22, 2010, 04:01:03 PM »
RALEIGH, N.C. — North Carolina’s unemployment rate hit a historic high in December, climbing to 11.2 percent.

The state’s Employment Security Commission said Friday December marked the eleventh straight month the unemployment rate has hovered around 11 percent.

December’s jobless rate of 11.2 percent rose from 10.8 percent in November. While December’s rate may be revised later, it is fractionally higher than the previous peak of 11.1 percent in May.

The national jobless rate last month was 10 percent.

In December 2008, the state rate was 8.1 percent.

Economists forecast a weak jobs recovery this year as worried consumers hold down spending and banks limit lending to small businesses, which generate most new jobs.

I would say the actual number is approaching 20% now, counting those who have run out of unemployment  benefits, is working under the table,  or just doesn\'t file for benefits.   That is a terrible amount of hard workers who aren\'t getting any help by Obamasama.
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Offline JADE

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NC unemployment sees record spike.
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2010, 05:31:21 PM »
I don\'t see any real relief for another 3 years.  When we vote that marxist bum out of office.  Even then the damage will be too wide spread and it\'s going to take some real American willpower and innovation to get us back to normal.
God bless,

I question....therefore I think....I think....therefore I am....I think?