Homosexuality like many believe does not automatically correlate to sodomy.
Anyway, it\'s not homosexuality that God "frowns upon" it\'s sodomy. Sodomy can be a sin conducted by both hetero and homosexuals.
Just because someone is homosexual doesn\'t mean they have committed sodomy. Therefore the Church should have no problem. It is when an act of sodomy happens that the Church has a problem. Since they can not prove an act of sodomy has happened, only a suspicion, they should not frown up homosexuals. Really, if the Church would do that just because the chances of sodomy MAY be higher, then the Church would also frown upon heterosexual men, for they also have a chance of committing sodomy.
The only grounds that Church has to frown upon homosexuality, since the bible nor God ever said anything in depth about it, is sodomy. Using that as a reason to frown upon it is profiling, as straight men can also commit and act of sodomy.
The Church\'s views are based on a suspicion.